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35 Questions for Engaging Nonfiction Book Club Conversations

Plus, 7 bonus Memoir-specific questions.

How would you re-write the last sentence of the book?
How familiar are you with the book’s topic? Have you read anything else about the subject?
Do you see yourself reading this book again?
What questions do you still have after reading this book?
Have you ever been to any locations mentioned in the book? Or which places in the book would you most want to visit?
Did you find the book to be a page-turner or a slow burn?
Would you have read this book if it hadn’t been a book club selection? Why would you recommend reading this book? And who would you recommend it to?
How does this book relate to your life experiences?
What is the purpose of this book and who do you believe is the intended audience? Does the book have wide appeal?
What is a question you would like to ask the author?
What emotions did this book evoke for you?
Would you read another book by this author? Why or why not?
Did you take away anything from this book and apply in in any part of your life?
What biases do you think the author might have? How could these have impacted the way the book was written?
Whta parts of the book did you dislike?
What would be the ideal food or drink to consume while reading this book?
Did the author engage and persuade you in the book? How?
What did you think of the book cover art? How would you have made/designed it?
What would you title this book?
Is this book you usual cup-of-tea or was it outside your comfort zone?
If you were making a movie of this book – who would you cast? 
What would you rewrite as the first sentence of the book?
Can you describe the book in one sentence? What is the main point or purpose of the book?
Do you think the author could have improved this book? How?
Did your opinion of the book change as you read it?
How would the book change if told from a different point-of-view?
What parts of the book did you enjoy?
What do you think of the length of this book? And how long did it take you to finish this book?
Which supporting character/person would make the most interesting main character in another book?
Did you Google anything while reading this book?
What were your expectations before reading this book? Did the book meet your expectations?
What was the most memorable or impactful part of the story, anecdote, or example in the book? And why did it stand out to you?
Describe the writing style of this book. What was the author’s tone?
Is there a piece of advice or wisdom that you disagreed with? What would you suggest as an alternative?
Does this book remind you of any other books you’ve read?
MEMOIR Questions
What do you think is the most important takeaway from the author’s story?
Which parts, if any, of the author’s experience could you relate to?
Was the author a likable narrator?
Are there gaps or anything missing that you’d like the author to fill in?
Is the author someone you would like to know in real life?
What is the author’s biggest strength? Biggest weakness?
How honest do you think the author was?
Interior of a used book store